Monday, July 20, 2009

My Beginning-- Phil Anselmo-- some year in the past

Now... this painting was VERRRRY significant to me. It is not the first picture i had ever painted, oh no. It was not my best painting to date either. I became a fanatical draftsmen literally at the same time as september 11th. Very strange timing. I experimented with charcoals a lot while drawing towers burning. They work oddly well together but how morbid right? For about 2 years i carried on like this. Drawing all the time. I took a color theory class that had us by liquitex acrylic paints as class materials. I had no idea what an acrylic paint even was. I was so stupid when i knew nothing... unbelievable. But-- every week we had a different asignment due which was like.. making different designs with specified color selections-- like a quadrad drawn form the color wheel or only modify with compliments or only use b or w or sometihng... I was the ONLY one in the class who would ever paint anything but designs, seperating me from everyone else. The first painting i did i dont have a photo of on here but i should take one- it was a self portrait of when i had dreadlocks done only in blue red and yellow. I got an A+ on it. I was shocked by htat honestly because it was not NEARLY up to my standards for drawing. I could do photo realism portraits almost at this time but this looked like a stupid coloring book to me.....

SO the semester ended with me doing what i thought was a beautiful painting of my dog Cody who had passed 7 months or so before. It was detailed as much as i knew how to back then, since i was pretty much only expermenting with paint at that point. Belnding was like a revolution to me-- seriously! I got a B because i went too far off onto what i wanted to do while ignoring too many assignment desires. I think that this mighta told me something now that i think about it.... My grade was lower than some peoples... but i had one of the best pieces in the class. THis is a perfect way to discuss the way i see things in life too..... my life. sucka

that summer i did 3 more paintings- one of the twin towers burning. I experimented with smoke and fire. One of my swinging my dreadlocks around forma photo-- i experiments with colors and motion. I also painted a close up of COdy trying to bite my FACE> -- THe Doof in his most viscous and masculine form. I experimented with tenebrism.

I then stopped painting completely. It was a year later nearly in March that i picked up a brush again. And i am probably messing the times all up here....

When i picked up a brush again it looked like the above photo. It is my favorite living vocalist-- Phil Anselmo of DOWN and Pantera fame. I painted this, and i did it in my original way-- trace it on from my drawing-- do it on illustration board- paint the bastard with a border.

This painting, as minuscule as it may seem-- is the REASON i started painting seriously. I had just moved to Frederick and i was really lonely most of the time. I had a lot of severe anxiety problems going on at the same time and i needed to find myself an outlet. SO painting was the next step up. This painting was like my beginning. I suddenly only wanted to learn about painting. And painters. And materials. I still have way less talent than a lot of the people i know-- but that's why i work so hard-- because i know my weaknesses. i know where to focus- and how to manipulate people's senses. At least a little.....

g'night everyone

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